This fall the FPLL is proud to offer its members a number of baseball and softball options based on age. All play will begin after September 3, 2024. The divisions are:
- 4, 5, 6 year old Baseball and Softball Clinic (Five Fridays, 6:00-7:00 p.m.; $70 per player).
- 7-12 year old Baseball (Weekends in the Merillon Classic League; $90 per player).
The FPLL clinic will take place at the Floral Park Rec Center on Fridays, September 6, 13, 20, 27, and October 4. Players will be instructed in the basics of the sport: hitting, base running, fielding, throwing.
All baseball in the Merillon Classic League includes away games at local towns. The Merillon League, not FPLL, generates the schedules that may conflict with other sports and activities. Games begin September 12 and continue weekly until November 3.
To register, visit our website and log in with the same user name and password that was used for spring Little League registration. Registration is currently open and will close on August 17. Teams will be formed immediately after this date. Only those who register before the closing date will be guaranteed a spot on a team.
We are in need of volunteers to manage and coach the fall teams. Please check the appropriate boxes when registering if interested in volunteering. As in the spring Little League season, all volunteers, per Williamsport Little League directives, will have to consent to a background check.